If you've read my blog, or my Facebook page, you know my stance on circumcision. Morally and ethically I am opposed to it. I have read and researched enough to believe that it is unnecessary and any slight benefits are outweighed significantly by the trauma it causes inevitably, and possible complications that can arise. That is not what this post is about. I am not writing this time about the negative affects of cutting. I am, rather, writing about the positive aspects of leaving your boy intact.
1. It's easier to care for.
When I finally raised the white flag and agreed to have Hunter circumcised, I was under the impression that a baby boy's intact penis would be difficult to care for. I actually thought *I* would have to retract the foreskin and clean under it. This is COMPLETELY INCORRECT! You should never, ever retract a child's foreskin. It will harm them. All you do is clean it like you would a finger. When changing a diaper, you wipe off any feces and that is all. It's simpler than caring for a baby girl. Proper care of the intact penis, from birth to adolescence here.
2. No wound to be concerned with.
A circumcised penis is a wound. There is no disputing this. You must apply vaseline to it to prevent it from sticking to the diaper. Adhesions can occur. There is nothing easy about seeing your newborn with a wound. And having to care for it adds to this injury.
3. His adult sex life will be as nature intended
This is difficult for many parents to fathom, but someday baby boy will be a man (I know, sniff!) and there are significant sexual benefits to having an intact penis. The foreskin is there for a reason. Not long ago, doctors were convinced that tonsils and gall bladders were unnecessary organs. Whether you believe in evolution, God, or a combination of both, none of these allows for extra parts of the body.
4. No complications to be concerned with
No one believes that complications from this "simple surgery" will happen to them. Adhesions, excessive bleeding, infections, and even death can occur. 75% percent of newborn boys will not readily breastfeed post-op. Is this really the way you want to welcome your son into this life, by taking his trust, and risking your nursing relationship? A more comprehensive list of complications are listed here.
5. It's not necessary
No medical association in the world recommends routine infant circumcision. Even The University of Washington, a very mainstream organization not know for their intactivism, stated, after their study in the year 2000, "the vast majority of children will gain no medical benefit nor suffer any complication as a result of circumcision."
So if it's not medically necessary, why on earth are we putting newborns under the knife?
6. Circumcision rates in the US are declining
In fact, only 38% of males worldwide are circumcised. In the US, as parents become more educated and peaceful parenting is more of a concern, the rates have fallen further still. So the age-old "He'll be made fun of in the locker room for looking different" argument is false.
These are just a few of many reasons to leave your baby boy intact. Research. Watch a video of the procedure. And above all else, question.
Question the logic behind this painful procedure. Think about leaving the decision to remove a vital organ up to your son. We are their parents, not their owners. It's his body, after all...
Love the post Melissa <3
ReplyDeletePeople are listening! And babies are being saved every day from being circumcised. Love seeing the myths debunked!
Thank you Sarah! That's the goal- I'd hate for someone to cut because of simple misinformation!