Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Intactivist Burning

Today I posted another intactivist link on Facebook, which not surprisingly elicited powerful emotions from many friends. But one comment in particular got me wondering why it is we as a culture, feel we must go so very far to avoid making parents feel guilty? Or judged? Or offended?

I don't think that genital integrity of children should be a parenting choice.

Yeah, there it is in black and white. I really feel THAT strongly. At some point, in this blog, I will feel compelled to link the youtube video of a child being circumcised that I saw some time ago that filled me with outrage. Not outrage towards parents, but outrage towards a society and a medical establishment that allows this to happen to babies. Outrage to a society that values its future so very little that the pain of a newborn is not important.

What kind of thinking does it take to arrive at the conclusion that since he isn't going to remember being cut, that makes it okay? By that logic, child abuse is also just fine as long as it is done at an age before long-term memory is formed. Since he's *just* a newborn, I guess strapping him down and cutting half his penis off will have no long-term effect. Well, other than the loss of his foreskin, which DOES have a function, or barring any complications.

Do we really believe that circumcision is not harmful? We believe it is harmful to girls. I think living in a "cut" society has an effect, certainly. A boy is cut by a doctor who was cut and therefore sees benefit to cutting and has no problem convincing the child's father, who is also cut. I get that, and I agree that this will take some time to undo. Because the reality is that while religious freedom is cited as a reason circumcision is legal- albeit the PARENT'S RELIGION- frankly most boys are not circumcised because of religion. The fact is parents have a myriad of other reasons....

The biggest problem faced by intactivists is that people cannot handle the truth. We can't even go on Facebook and post an informational link without coming across as offensive or making someone feel guilty. I am quite sorry, but I will not skew reality to avoid causing people guilt or making them question their choices. I will not stop fighting the fight for genital integrity for children who cannot speak for themselves. My words are not really intended for those who staunchly defend the ritual of amputating foreskins. They are simply intended for those who might be looking to make an informed choice, for those who may still be gathering facts, for those who are expecting a boy and intimidated by the "circumcision decision" and for those who may ever be expecting a boy.

Now, if you are pregnant with a boy, and you just assumed you would circumcise because that is just what people do, or because his father is, or because you heard it is cleaner, I leave you with this.....

Question circumcision.

Watch a video. If you can't handle watching it done, please do not have it done to your son.